Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 17 - Nobody

The visible is always a mirror of the invisible. The reality is imagined before it manifests itself.

~ Paulo Coelho

Never open a closet with the lights off, a Nobody is a parasite that thrives in total darkness. 

Free, a Nobody will hide in a victim's shadow, slowly transforming itself as it feeds on unrealized potential and replaces it with an unsettling emptiness.  As it grows in strength, the Nobody's host is driven further into darkness and despair - finally metamorphosing into a Nobody him or herself, beginning the cycle anew.

I was going for a white tuxedo look to the body, but I really like the articulation from making the limb joints this way.  It has a clean look and allows for some good possibilities.. some pose-abilities?  (nailed it)

I took inspiration from multiple sources for this balloon, first from a short-film called "So You've Grown Attached" about an imaginary friend coming to terms with his child growing up, if you're unfamiliar with DUST - enjoy, you have a lot of fantastic content.  But also just now from images in the newly released Demons & Wizards video, "Diabolic" for their upcoming album.  (I'm a big BIG fan of Blind Guardian, and this is Hansi Kürsch's second band - but his voice and the music are so distinct, for all practical purposes it's like another Blind Guardian.)   Both had this sort of "nothing man" that I thought both terrifying and innocent.

As I typed those last words, I had this - "oh no" moment that someone might apply their own racial meanings to this balloon.  To those people I would encourage to both watch my source videos, and maybe like .. just grow the heck up.  Or perhaps, open a closet with the lights off.

(and yet I will probably not share this on any public social media platforms because of potential unintended offense and easy potential for anonymous cruelty.   I just wanted to make a person with a void face!!!!) 
