Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24 - Jenny's Dogs

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read"
    -Groucho Marx

A while ago I contacted Pet Smart to volunteer to twist balloons on the weekends when they have a pet adoption event.  The idea was to twist dogs or cats only to attract more families and have something for the kids to bring home even if they couldn't adopt that day, and any tips would be donations to the adoption organization.  The balloon animal a reminder to "come back and adopt for real."

No one returned my phone calls...

In the meanwhile I scoured the internet for a few other dog and cat balloon ideas.  It was then that I found Jenny Wagoner's YouTube channel.  She designed this dog for a client and they loved it so much she thought to share it with the world.  I hope she hasn't given up, she is a great teacher but only has the two posted videos, parts 1 & 2 - and they are about 7 months old at this point.

The dog is very cool and cartoon-ish and big enough to wow!  ... to ... wait for it, wait for it ... bow-wow?   I really like the way the face and ears go into that classic "huh?" look dogs can give you.

If it lands on the floor, it's MINE!
We're having updog for dinner again. 


  1. Love the design! Have you tried your local animal shelter? They sometimes have adoption events and since they're dependent on volunteers they may embrace your talents.

    1. I couldn't do that to Willow!

      Dog rule #3: Do not come home smelling of other dogs.

  2. Of course....forgot about dog rule #3. I've also forgotten what dog rules #1 and #2 are but maybe that's for the best. btw...we have adopted at Pet Smart and they actually wouldn't be the ones to contact. Find out what group is having their event at the store. For instance, we adopted Basil through Pink Paws at a Pet Smart adoption weekend event.

  3. Jenny is indeed still twisting. She teaches, has three little ones and a husband who owns his own business and not a lot of extra time. Her business page on facebook is Happy Twistin' Designs. I send all the stuff I don't do to her. Very talented young lady!!!!!

  4. These doggies brought lots of joy to the kids that received them!

    1. <3 Those are my favorite balloons to build - the ones that I don't have to destroy when I'm done!
