Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2 - Rapunzel Cutie

LOVE this video.  If you're a parent, I dare you to watch that video and not get at least a little bit choked up.   Go on, I'll wait for you.

This is Rapunzel.  I confess I never saw the movie Tangled, I have two boys who roll their eyes at my suggestion to watch it, all I know is broad strokes from the original tale by Brothers Grimm.

I've talked about these before, this is another older balloon concept. Designed by Shana Brenion - these are cutie dolls. First Shana released a video on how to make princess eyes called Making Faces (link), which she would put on a flower wrist wearable or headband. But people wanted a full figure, and so at Twist & Shout 2015, she introduced her Cutie Dolls series (link) which is a perfect companion to her face tutorials.

As with the other balloon concepts I've worked on this year, I'm going to re-familiarize myself with the concept by building a few from her tutorials before scribbling outside the lines.

Other Cutie Dolls:

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