Saturday, September 30, 2017

September 30 - Smoosh Pig

Well the first little piggy,
well he was kinda hick.
He spent most of his days,
just a dreaming of the city.

And then one day, he bought a guitar.
He moved to Hollywood, to become a star.

~ Green Jelly Three Little Pigs

I can't believe it's the end of the month already!  The second half of Smooshtember went by too fast, I need more days!!  I hope you can tell how much I like the Smoosh technique and the creativity it fosters.

What is interesting is Scott Tripp has given us pseudo-retro balloon twisting.  In any other discipline it would have made sense to start from basic round building blocks instead of "twister" balloons.  He has shown us the roots we had ignored, or at least never thought to pay attention to.

Here is my version of a Smoosh Pig.  I used the Smoosh Kitty style of sideways body which seems to work well for animals.

Other Smoosh:

Other balloon designs by Scott Tripp:

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