Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21 - Desktop Garden

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~ Maya Angelou

Just recently Helen Budinger posted a model of a small garden, and I knew it would be perfect to build for the office, ideal for displaying on a counter top or desk.  So nicely framed with the dandelion center! This model uses a weave Helen had showed me at a while back that makes for a great display stand as well as many other things.

I would probably not be doing balloons at this point if it weren't for Helen.  She was instrumental in encouraging me to bring them to places when I was too shy or thought that they weren't good enough.  I had no idea how well they would be received or the amount of joy it would bring ME to give them away.    THANK YOU!

Accidental Rainbow
In that spirit - I figured it would be appropriate to show that these went to good homes.

For the offices.

At the Dentist.

Choir re-audition bribe
(no action shot here, but it worked!)

Clownin' around!

Other posts with Helen's designs:

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