Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26 - Sweet Cheeks Pig

Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

~ Porky Pig

As I've done with the other balloon concepts, here is a pig using Eric Weinstein's Sweet Cheeks method.

I actually made one of these in the montage of purple pigs back at Bling Bling Jam last year, but that was while Eric was still working on #2 and before I had much practice with using the technique, so it's a bit rough (link).

I first made the one holding the flower, but he needed a mouth and some work on the nose, so I made the one holding the dog - but left him to sit for a couple days before taking a picture, which is why he's a little wilty (you can see it in the eyes).

Other Sweet Cheeks designs:

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