Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29 - Ostrich

Urus ni buzra!
Arrâs talbabi fillumâ!
Ugrûd tashniki kurdumâ!
Lu! Lu! Lu!
Urkhas tanakhi!
Fire in the deep!
Flames lick our skin!
Fear rips our heart!
No! No! No!
The demon comes!

~ The Fellowship of the Ring The Balrog

One of my other great passions in life is singing choral music, and the North Carolina Master Chorale is one of the best that I've been lucky enough to participate in. We typically sing Requiems and other great works, but last year we sang the score the the Fellowship of the Ring while the movie played, chanting "Ur-HAS Ta-na-KI!" as the heroes ran through Moria, trumpeting the ringwraiths as they chase wounded Frodo being carried by Arwen, providing the haunting backdrop to the elves as they lament the loss of Gandalf. So ... epic ...

Anyways, one of my fellowship and someone I frequently perform standing next to is photographer and conceptual artist Michael J Bambuch (website).  He has numerous projects and art series, one of which involves photographing people lit with car headlights while pursuing their passions - and upon seeing my enthusiasm for some recent Purple Pig posts, he invited me to participate.

All of the photographs are credited to Michael J. Bambuch, originals can be found on his website (direct link to car portrait project).

The ostrich is part of the Sweet Cheeks line by Eric Weinstein.

Other Sweet Cheeks designs:

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