Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23 - Chibicoro Thanksgiving

We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.

~ John F. Kennedy

Happy Thanksgiving!
... if you celebrate it, otherwise:
Happy Thursday!

The first turkey I built used the basic Chibicoro design, but I went a little off the rails - once I added the tail, I decided to add a longer neck and go for a more realistic (?) turkey look.

The basic form is still there, but I'm not sure this one qualifies as a Chibicoro balloon. 

The tail is using the pinch-line technique (see, I said I would be using it all the time!).

The cooked turkey also uses the basics of the Chibicoro design, I'm sure you can see why I'm a big fan - you can make pretty much anything with ease.   

Other Chibicoro balloon designs:

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