Monday, December 25, 2017

December 25 - Trippmas Purple Pig

~ Balloon Blast Video Show (S05E04)

Really didn't have to look far for the purple pig to use for the 11th and final day of Trippmas.  It was an honor to be asked to contribute to the show that serves as the genesis for this blog.  I felt it was only fitting to build a purple pig, maroon this this case - I included a picture of how many takes it took for me to get one where I was almost happy with. (and I'm not sure why the video gets blurry just before my section ...)

... and HAPPY HOLIDAYS by the way!

What I most appreciate about Scott Tripp is his hunger to "be more", he is aware that we are in an evolving artform - and has his eye on future evolution.  His purpose written into the theme of his show - "improve our artform", he's embraced the hunt to do that.  But what he doesn't realize, so I hope he reads this.  He already has.   \m/  You rock, Scott.

Right I was first starting the year, the idea of building 26 different purple pigs seemed an impossible task, but these kind of exercises are what I've come to know as "dirty dishes" tasks.  When faced with an insurmountable pile of dirty dishes, just pick up a bowl and clean it.  Then do it again .. and again.  Pretty soon the dishes are done.

Other balloon designs by and inspired by Scott Tripp:

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