I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshipping their ancient stone idols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water-soaked granite. I dream of a day when they may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war-exhausted mankind -- of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universal pandemonium.
~ H.P. Lovecraft Dagon
~ H.P. Lovecraft Dagon
Dagon is one of the earlier works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and details the account of a man who escaped capture at sea only to later be washed up on an unnatural shore, seemingly thrust from the bottom of the sea by a volcanic expansion. Upon exploring this wasteland, he comes across a monolith with pictorial carvings and hieroglyphics the likes of which he had never seen, with aquatic symbols and ominous marine humanoids with bulbous eyes.
He flees in horror when he catches sight of one of these grotesque creatures, but is endlessly pursued even after returning to San Francisco. The creature haunts both his waking moments and dreams, and the narrator believes that only morphine or death will will give him any respite. There is a sloshing sound from the hallway and the story ends rather abrup...
This balloon design is based on one of Buster Balloon's head designs I used last year that I referred to as Surly Dudes.
Other Lovecraftian balloon designs:
Thank you for sharing all your great balloon creations with us. your an inspiration to do even better balloon work! carol www.mismatchtheclown.com