Tuesday, July 7, 2020

July 7 - Box Chain

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

~ Heraclitus

There is a certain ... mathematical satisfaction(?) that comes with building a weave or a repeated pattern.  It speaks to my inner nerd, and this balloon was a bit of a research project.

I followed a set of instructions I found for weaving a box chain and built a few of them using the similar sized rings to the jewelry (Lagenda 1.6), but I never really felt things were right - constantly adjusting to expose the pattern only to have one thing fall out of shape.

Isopresso recently released a tutorial on a balloon box chain so I tried then following his instructions and figured out where I was going wrong.  Firstly his box chain was slightly different in that it uses three rings, but more significantly - he sized things properly (L1.0) so that they would fit snugly - you could throw this thing like a football.

Made a rainbow -- I really need to level up my color combo skill if I'm going to make more patterns...

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