Saturday, August 12, 2017

August 12 - Nao's Cat

As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.

-- Ellen Perry Berkeley

The next class was Nao Osaka teaching us his new cat.

Once again he did a great job teaching an advanced design to a room full of people.  He provided a sheet that shows the first umpity-three steps to get you going.

Because it's Nao-style, I did build a few 160 versions as well.

The grey with blue eyes was built with Nao, the orange was later in my room after scarfing some quick tacos.  The brown was about 5am the following morning and the grey with green eyes was built and left at an Air BnB I stayed at recently.

I kept meaning to build one with straight front legs - I think it would look great with a normal cat sitting pose.

Even though Nao is a master of a woven body style, here he shows something different - this is a stylish, small, fairly quickly constructed, efficient unwoven form.

Other balloon designs from Bling Bling Jam 2017:

Other balloon designs from Nao:

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