The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
~ George Carlin
~ George Carlin
I've had this image for a little while, but with one more day in the month, I figure it's a good time to clean house and start fresh. (Plus I've had a very long day and want to go to be early!)
What's more dangerous than an alligator? An alligator with a flamethrower of course! Some of you may have already seen this image, it was posted in Ballon Twister Central because #animalswithflamethrowers.
The basic form of the alligator is around the Bauldy Super Dudes, and I believe this is a good example of why being familiar with a few of these basic balloon concepts is more valuable than knowing a bunch of "formula for a designs". There is a self satisfaction in building something you have never seen.
(This is different than building Daniel Tiger - where I was trying to copy an image and get it to match as close as possible. )
Other Super Dudes:
Love it!!!