Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21 - Baby Rockers

“... And these children
that you spit on
as they try to change their worlds
are immune to your consultations.
They're quite aware
of what they're going through...”

~ David Bowie - Changes

Juan Gonzales posted his awesome version of a baby David Bowie a while back and I've had it saved in my inspiration folder for this very moment.

There are a good number of musical superstars out there that I could have chosen, and I still think it would be hilarious to make 4 baby KISS - but at last I decided on baby Prince.

I am enjoying how these baby heads (and arguably a few other prints) can add to a design.  The 'baby' adjective makes things more interesting than vanilla.  Somewhat similar to a creativity exercise game Scott Tripp had us play - where we chose from a list of randomly generated adjectives and randomly generated nouns.  The adjective takes something as simple as a train - and makes it a zombie train, baby train, robot train, minion train, evil train, space train, magical train.

Other babyface designs:

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