Thursday, January 30, 2025

January 30 - Little Body Great Apes

"Consider orangutans. In all the worlds graced by their presence, it is suspected that they can talk but choose not to do so in case humans put them to work, possibly in the television industry. In fact they can talk. It’s just that they talk in Orangutan. Humans are only capable of listening in Bewilderment."

~ Terry Pratchett Men at Arms

Stephanie also demonstrated a few ways to turn her Little Body basic concept into a few different animals.  It involves a slight change to the basic structure - but I feel that they deviate somewhat from the original concept.

I tried to do it, but I still found myself wanting to change things to make it more 'animal'.  These guys really needed eyes to pull the face together, without them, they felt too abstract, like something was missing..

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