Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 11 - Iso Snail

"Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something."

~ Jake the Dog Adventure Time

I'm glad that shows like Adventure Time don’t just embrace being weird. They charge full speed into it, waving a mighty sword and screaming "Taste my Justice!"  (And if you just pictured Finn doing that in your head -- Respect!)

I don't know how I missed this, but this snail was a hidden cameo in every single episode.  Most of the time he's just hanging out in the crowd waving, but in a few episodes, he plays a key role in the story.   He [redacted] to help [redacted] and then [redacted]!  Shmowzow!

This was built using a snail/shell design taught by Isopresso on his YouTube channel and the last of my mocha 260Qs ... farewell old friend!  

(view other Adventure Time or snails)

Other balloons by and inspired by Isopresso:

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