Sunday, February 16, 2025

February 16 - Iso Piranha

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain."

~ Mark Twain

I'm not saying I'd go swimming with piranhas, but I read that most of the hype comes from a staged feeding frenzy Teddy Roosevelt witnessed on a trip to the Amazon. He wrote about it in his book, and Hollywood ran with it - turning piranhas into tiny razor-toothed villains.

Real piranhas mostly scavenge or eat fruit, but thanks to movies, we think of them like underwater chainsaws. Meanwhile, my Oscars ate fish like the alien from Nope -- Shloop!  Shloop!  Alive and wriggly and screaming (probably) in their belly.    The monsters.

These were taught on Isopresso's YouTube channel, the orange is more true to a piranha's color whereas the purple is a rare version found in .. nahhh it's just purple.

(view other fish)

Other balloons by and inspired by Isopresso:

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