Friday, February 7, 2025

February 7 - Iso Cockatoo

"Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"

~ Rose Kennedy

The word cockatoo still tickles the Beavis part of my brain, but these seemed like a logical choice to attempt after Isopresso's macaws as they share a lot of similarities in design.

I looked up some cocka-details.  The mainly white cockatoo is called 'Sulphur-Crested'. This is the classic version, bright white with a little backward flip of yellow in its crest when at rest.

There is also the 'Galah', or rose-breasted cockatoo. Most of the images I saw of these have a ruffled feather look to their heads.  Like the feathered wig from the 70's 

But the coolest look in my opinion is the 'Black Palm'.  Its feathers are punk rock spikes, its beak is sharpened dagger -- it's clad in all black except for blood red around it's eyes?  \m/ So metal.  


(view other cockatoo or birds)

Other balloons by and inspired by Isopresso:

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