Thursday, February 27, 2025

Febuary 27 - Rainbow Joe

"I carry a pocket full of sunshine and shoot rainbows out my hands."

~ Joe Tombarello

This phrase has been living rent-free in my head all week. Joe Tombarello marched into the jam room early one morning, trailing a bright orange scarf, and introduced himself in a way that makes you feel like you have known him forever. He's a warm cup of coffee handed to you when you didn't expect it -- but needed it.  At one point, he said the above quote in reference to being a bit of a magician when a child is upset.

... well. I want to carry a pocket full of sushine! I want to shoot rainbows!

I've built them before, but I don't have a horse in my meager toolkit of sunshine - let's fix that. This design from Juan Gonzales (link) takes only a couple minutes to build including inkwork and uses just three balloons and a scrap - but the eye design is my favorite part, I don't think I've ever made them this ... confidently?

(view other horses)

Other balloons by and inspired by Juan Gonzales:

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