Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11 - Jami's Princess

Sandra's seen a Leprauchan,
Eddie touched a troll,
Laurie danced with witches once,
Charlie found some goblins' gold.
Donald heard a mermaid sing,
Susan spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known,
I've had to make myself.

~ Shel Silverstein Magic

Jami Stavlo's 'Impressive Princess' design is a big, beautiful, fun, versatile and certainly impressive.  She has previously broadcast that she has changed her business model and will no longer be producing and selling balloon tutorials, but I'm so glad she made these available when she did because they are fantastic!  (You can still purchase the ones she has already created on her Gumroad site.)

I have been a fan of this design for a while, in fact the vampire princess is actually a picture I took last year when I brought it into the office.  This year I created the young witch based off of the images she included in her preview.

There are many things I really love about this design, it stands up well, the face is big and impressive with giant anime-style eyes, but what I like most is the hair.  Oftentimes balloon hair becomes repetitive and simple, but the way Jami explains it I feel like I could create a great variety of beautiful curly hair.

The hat sits a little awkwardly the way I built it - I really should have attached it early and worked the hair around it.

Wiccan or Pagan?  I'm not sure witch...

My favorite fruit is a nectarine.

What also floats in water?  ... very small rocks?

Other posts with Jami's designs:

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