Ain't it hard to stumble
And land in some muddy lagoon
Especially when it's nine below zero
And three o'clock in the afternoon
~ Bob Dylan Outlaw Blues
And land in some muddy lagoon
Especially when it's nine below zero
And three o'clock in the afternoon
~ Bob Dylan Outlaw Blues
I make no promises that this will be the last Buster Balloon image this month - I can't help myself. He exists on a higher plane of balloon art, he doesn't just twist balloons - he operates in latex. He is to latex what Willie Wonka is to chocolate, and also similarly enough, Halloween is obviously one of his favorite holidays - he's tearing it up with his month long daily project.
This Creature is one that he did early on in the month, it took a couple attempts but I think I got the design pretty close, mounting the legs is a bit weird, and I ended up with a funny looking tukas. It's a bit hard to tell how things are put together behind. Maybe creature got back?
Thanks (again!) Buster!
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Started my day with a smile, thanks!!!!