Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 26 - Patrick's Zombie

With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, In your head they are cryin'

In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie, Hey, hey
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie

~ The Cranberries Zombie

When I first started this blog I created a spreadsheet of the various balloon designs I wanted to build; the DVDs and downloadables that I had purchased, the YouTube clips that caught my eye, the bi-weekly webinars, images that I've seen posted and stuff I had learned at conventions.

Instead of shrinking, the list keeps getting bigger - and this month is a perfect example of why.  So many people are sharing their Halloween designs and I'm like a kid in a candy store (apropos for this time of year I suppose).  I'm saving much of them to my inspiration folders to attempt myself.

Patrick Van de Ven posted this little gem just yesterday and I couldn't resist attempting it.  I played around with the colors while learning the form, but I think he made a great choice with the pale blue. Green looks like Frankenstein's monster and blush looks a little odd.  I felt like I had underinflated things in the first build (above), but it ended up being my favorite - smaller = cuter in so many balloons.

One of my biggest learning experiences in this balloon was with the use of the grey marker.  It's more of a 'darkener' than a true color.  It worked great to provide the spots and more definition to the sunken eyes.

Zom A and Zom B

I love a woman with brains.

Fighting these plants is pretty much a no-brainer

Other posts with Patrick's designs:

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1 comment:

  1. Added a huge smile to the start of my day!!! Thank you!
