Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8 - Skeleton

All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive

Ragged lines of ragged grey
Skeletons, they shuffle away
Shouting guards and smoking guns
Will cut down the unlucky ones

~ Rush Red Sector A

I recall seeing a picture of a skeleton made in this fashion in an older balloon magic magazine, but I couldn't find it in my search. I also saw an image similar to this by Scott Tripp, so perhaps I'm jumbling things up in my head.

I am always fighting against my "extra" balloons. Things that have been pulled out and not used, the last little bits of a bag when I am loading a fresh batch, etc - all of these go into a bag I keep in the car for such occasions. The good thing is I always have some practice balloons, the bad thing is I rarely have the particular color I'm looking for. Recently a bunch of white balloons got added and while waiting for my sons dance class, I figured I would try to make this skeleton.

It came together rather nicely, and in all honesty I was originally considering building a skull head - but once I tested a spooky face in the hand, I knew it was the right idea.

This balloon was given to the baristas at my local Starbucks which has become one of my more favorite places to drop off random balloons.

I think I'll order the spare ribs..

I hope you find this humerus!