Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3 - Tatyana's Bat

The baby bat
Screamed out in fright,
"Turn on the dark,
I'm afraid of the light!"

~ Shel Silverstein Batty

Tatyana DjeTa Lyashko latest batch of PDFs are themed for Halloween, this is the first of a few I should be showing this month. All of them are fantastic, huge and really involved - I am really looking forward to learning them.

This one had some interesting ear distortion, but I didn't end up taking a picture until the next morning and air tends to leak back in to equalize pressure, Eric Weinstein had some techniques for dealing with that I should use a little more consistantly.  What like most about this bat is the way the wings act as support, to hold it up in a cute pose with the flower ... and that adorable face!  Pure win.

I love bringing in huge delivery pieces like this to give away - people get so excited, and I get to see their inner kid come out.

Battin' my eyelashes..

You and I should hang out

Help!  He's got me in his batting cage!

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