Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28 - Chainsaw Bunny

Honey Bunny: I love you, Pumpkin.
Pumpkin: I love you, Honey Bunny.
Pumpkin: All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery!
Honey Bunny: Any of you ****ing *****s move, and I'll execute every mother***ing last one of ya!

~ Pulp Fiction (NSFW link)

Tawney Bubbles appears on Buster Balloons Adorable DVD and shows us how to make this bunny.  What's so "Halloween" about a bunny? - a bunny with a chainsaw turning the tables and collecting lucky human feet is so metal my head is banging at the mere thought.

Though you can see the influence of Buster on her style, Tawney is very much her own twister and a good instructor.  You can also see from her personality that these two are an adorable couple, deserving of each other.

A shockwave hit the balloon and entertainment communities last night - Royal Sorell passed away suddenly. I wish I had the opportunity to meet him personally, I only know him through his reputation and the collective outpouring of emotions from those he has touched. He was a mentor, an entertainer, an innovator and an inspiration to countless people. The world is a poorer place for his passing.

Royal Sorell
December 30, 1958 - October 27, 2016

I have the perfect device if you sleep like a log ...

My grandfather is from Caerbannog

He's just chopping off the lucky left foot, you'll be all right.

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