Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17 - Piano Ghost

On the other hand, what I like my music to do to me is awaken the ghosts inside of me. Not the demons, you understand, but the ghosts.

~ David Bowie

This is an attempt to copy a design that Scott Tripp posted in the balloon forums recently.

The story around the image is - nine years ago he bought 22 cases of white 321 balloons. This is Scott, so that's perfectly normal. I'm not sure if he had a plan with them originally or was just excited about the balloons, but that year Don Caldwell (later Buster Balloon) came through his town on his 'TJam on the Road' tour. Scott gave him a bag and asked for advice on what to do with them, and this was the first design that came out of the bag.

I can see why he is still using it 9 years later. I toyed around trying a couple different faces.

I realized after setting the image in the creepy old room, that I should take pictures against backgrounds that are almost the same color, especially if the balloon is white. The blue and green backgrounds are reflective.

Halt!  Who ghost there?

I scream, delicious!

He's the piano in-spectre

Other posts with Scott's designs:

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