Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30 - Audrey II

I've given you sunlight
I've given you rain
Looks like you're not happy
'Less I open a vein!
I'll give you a few drops
If that'll appease
Oh please-
Oh oh oh please-
Grow for me?

~ Little Shop of Horrors Grow For Me

Tatyana DjeTa Lyashko has another amazing design in her Halloween PDFs. I delayed building this until I had all the proper supplies assembled, and once again this a very educational experience and certainly pushed me to the edge of my abilities. I shouted out in dismay a few times while building it as things weren't coming together.

I am not complaining though, it really is a fantastic opportunity to practice things. Though I might understand a concept upon reading or first use, it takes a lot of applied practice to get the nuances of it. There are complications that I had to work through five times, and by the fifth time I was doing it quite well.

This was a gigantic balloon to suspend on just a small plant stem, I wouldn't have considered it possible without Tatyana's directions on how to defy gravity.

One more until Halloween!

Feed me, Seymour!

<<burp>>  What kid?

I tiptoed through his two lips...

Other posts with Tatyana's designs: Show all

1 comment:

  1. Got a huge smile from me, although not quite as large as that!
