Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 27 - Horb Bitey

“Well, once again, my friend we find that science is a two-headed beast. One head is nice, it gives us aspirin and other modern conveniences... but the other head of science is bad! Oh, beware the other head of science, Arthur, it bites!”

~ The Tick

The next in the Horb line of Dorbs, balloons for terrible children, is "Bitey".

Bitey is a small blind parasite that feeds on outer skin cells.  The infection can go unnoticed for a long time and actually has somewhat of an exfoliating effect, but if left untreated the victim will become more and more surly as he or she becomes thin-skinned.  High-school bullies and people who discuss politics on Facebook tend to have a Bitey.

Other Dorb balloon designs:

Show All Buster

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