Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1 - Yoda Loop-Head

"Named must be your fear before banish it you can."

~ Yoda

I'm just going to come out and say it - I didn't like the Mandallorean.   It felt too much like the A-Team, too shiny for a dusty planet, too back-lot at Universal Studios, too "written".

I also saw it weeks after the baby Yoda craze so when he came on screen it was more of a "looks like a puppet" moment than any sort of cutest-thing-ever situation.

I also find myself mildly annoyed that people consider Yoda one of the greatest Jedi swordsmen of all times.  His style was unorthodox certainly, and his stature would make him virtually impossible to make contact with - but I'm not sure that would qualify you as greatest of all.  Not to mention it's a bizarre and unnecessary character trait for a Jedi that you also portray as one of the wisest/most serene.  "Lucky, do you feel ... punk?"   "Sparta, this iiiiiiiiiis!"

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