Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15 - Linda's Dogs

If you don't have a dog there may not be something wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.
  ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Yes. Apparently Vincent Van Gogh according to the internets... before he went insane.

I have a balloon crush on Linda Truscheit.  Everything she posts is so dang adorable, I have no idea how she does it - but I want to copy it.

This dog was taught in a balloon webinar about a year ago, and was my first introduction to Linda.  When I stumbled across it in my notes I knew I had to try it again, shamefully I took no pictures at the time and I remember it being much cuter than I'm able to recreate here.  I figured I would remember it forever because I built like 5 of them at the time - let this be a lesson to always take pictures!

Have you seen updog?

Bigger eyes = begger eyes

How does Van Gogh call for his dogs?
Ear puppy puppy puppy!

Other posts with Linda's designs:

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  1. LOVE IT, I missed that webinar! Advice I picked up somewhere says "the bigger the eyes, the bigger the cute." Seems to hold true here!!!

    1. You missed a great one! This was when she showed us her gnome as well if I'm not mistaken.

  2. Adorable! Love the nose. Love the eyes!
