Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16 - Alien Dog

Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge.
 ~ Jerry Seinfeld

We travel again with Jeffrey Hayes to another destination - this time to his Alien's Best Friend design from his Seriously Out There DVD.

Welcome to planet K9 - a dog utopia.  Cosmic forces whisk lost or abandoned dogs through a warp tunnel to here where they are free to roam the cosmos, where smells are plentiful and the fields beg you to run.  Off planet people are allowed to visit, but must remain in a small enclosed area.  If a dog chooses to adopt you, only then may you bring it back it back home.

And the universe was happy.

Now that we've installed a new voice translator ...

Open the pod bay doors, Siri

Other posts with Mr. Hayes' designs:

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  1. I need directions to this incredible place!!!!

    1. It's actually in Costa Rica! :)

  2. I had forgotten about that quote by Seinfeld. So funny!

    1. Willow has been really (inadvertently) enforcing her leadership recently too .. poor girl.
