Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11 - Ringmaster

Life will show you masks that are worth all your carnivals.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

My daily job is a programmer, very right brain, concentrating on keeping involved processes efficient while considering how to optimally integrate any new elements.  When I was in my 20's I would come home and program all night, making algorithms, creating bots, exploring technologies - a shameful amount of nerding out.

I'm so happy to put that side of my brain to rest and have balloons as my nightly exercise, still the same amount of nerding out but it's much more fun!

After delivering the chef and decorations to the Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen a few weeks ago, their Executive Director contacted me to see if I would help for a carnival they are having this weekend.

Since I took my sons to the Weird Al Yankovic concert last night (which was amazing), I had to make most of the decorations the previous night and put them into four gigantic plastic bags for storage. I built Glen LaValley's sheep (it's for Shepherd's Table after all) - which probably took the most time, before heading to the concert and saved the Ringmaster for building when I returned home.  It was a very late night and I would have loved to spend more awake hours building it - but I think things ended up looking fairly well when I dropped them off this morning.

I've noticed I'm a bit shy when it comes to taking on site pictures, so I only snapped a couple of the ringmaster before leaving and nothing of the carnival setup.

Thank you for pursuing this, Tammy!  I hope the carnival is a hit!

It's like I'm riding in Santa's minivan!

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