Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19 - Minecraft Party

Hippo, birdie, two ewe.
Hippo, birdie, two ewe.
Hippo, birdie, hippo, birdie;
Hippo, birdie, two ewe.

~ Sandra Boynton

I know based on a couple recent blog entries that I might be a working balloon twister now.  That's not the case, things just kind of stacked up on top of each other!

These balloons were made for party my friend Owen was having, who just turned the magical age of 7 and somewhat of a Minecraft fan (aren't we all?) - Happy Birthday Owen!

The Creeper is constructed similar to the fuselage of the David Grist biplane, the feet make it a Falloon Flower Bud, but mostly it's derivative of Christopher Lyle's Creeper on the Crapper (link).

The swords and pickaxe are all based on a recent image posted in the Balloon Twister Central forums by Michele Turner. I love our balloon community - we are full of people who love to share their art and creations and it's such a valuable resource to search through when planning what you want to build. I have "inspiration folders" full of stuff that I want to attempt to copy at some point!  Thank you for sharing, Michele!

On another note, today marks the first day of my new exercise routine.  I've signed up for a membership at a gym and it includes a couple visits with a personal trainer.  This is like going to the dentist when you haven't flossed since your last visit -- I know better, but I really need to take my medicine, let them "let me have it" and do my best not to prattle off excuses.   I'm nervous.

Sssssssssssssss.... words!

Owen don't fear the creeper,
Nor do the wind or the sun or the rain!
(we can be like they are)

I'm thinking I could make some sort of diamond throne out of these ...


  1. Owen is indeed lucky to have you as a friend!!! Thanks for being you!

    1. <3 I feel lucky to have you as a friend! :c*
