Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29 - Garden Gnome

Phase 1: Collect underpants
Phase 2:...
Phase 3: Profit

~ Underpants Gnome South Park

If you are a balloon twister on Facebook, chances are you already know Linda Truscheit's work and why she is one of my favorite twisters - what she makes is just .. so full of personality ... so awesome.  I keep a special folder of her artwork as inspiration.

When I was recently looking over my notes from an early balloon webinar I realized I hadn't built this one in a while and not yet for the blog. I have used this form for a wizard using a purple robe and staff, but I also wrote in my notes that it might make a great Papa Smurf, Santa or Duck Hunter if you play around with the colors. Here it is as she taught it - a garden gnome.

There many things I like about this balloon creation, but what I like most is the way the beard is constructed. It's one of those things that seems obvious once you've done it - but would have never occurred to me. Balloon artistry? More like balloon wizardry.

The gnome was taken into work and immediately found a home in our break room.

To gno-me is to love me

Hangin' with my gnomies in the break room

We're going where gnome man has gone before. 

Other posts with Linda's designs:

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