Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17 - Daffy Duck

Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!

~ Daffy Duck (wielding a staff)

The next installment in my attempt to use "Truscheit-style" is this Daffy Duck.

The first built is the below and on the right, I had a few things I fixed with the body but I mostly wanted another build so I could play with posing him shot like in the cartoon.  I should have spent a little effort in getting the eyes taller, his face doesn't quite have the oval shape I was looking for.

A while ago I was working with a classic cell animator helping with his computerized renderings and he was explaining to me how even though computers make some thing technically easier, things are lost and that you need to account for artistically.  His example images were with fairy hair - no matter which way she was looking, you could see the ponytail poking out perfectly behind her.  In the real world the ponytail would not be visible most of the time.

I mention this because it is lost as well in trying to dress a balloon for a photo.  It wasn't enough for the beak to blap on backwards and change the cheek color, I had to create a new beak that was almost twice as large to make it visible in the pose instead of a tiny orange mound.

... You're dithpicable...

Other posts with Truscheit-style:

Show all Truscheit-style designs

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