Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 8 - Unsmooshable Chimpanzee

Rocket: Koba say, Apes should hate humans.
Caesar: Enough! From humans Koba learned hate. But nothing else.

~ Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I'm going to bring this concept smorgasborg (unsmooshasborg?) to a close with one more from the man who shared this madness. Sam Cremeens showed this monkey, and it was too cute to resist.

I did a bit of playing around with different types and sizes of balloons making this one, the other designs want a cleaner attachment point for the head, but this one is very forgiving.  I don't think there was a better or worse in the whole bunch, there are things I like and don't like about each of them.

I realized a little late that I forgot to put a tail on any of them - thankfully nature provides an out, they're chimpanzee.  ... which then sparked the idea of the movie reference.

I hope by this point people have somewhat of an understanding of how useful and effectual concept designs are. Not only are they handy, but that versatility is a catalyst for your imagination and creativity.

Caesar: While I'm gone - I leave you in charge of our most sacred relic.

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