Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24 - Jake the Dog

Dude, suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at somethin'.

~ Jake Adventure Time

Adventure Time is one of the more awesome in the new breed of cartoons, always hilarious and at times poignant.  When I saw Sergey Loginov posted his version of Jake on his YouTube channel this morning (link), I knew I had to give it a go.

This was a little bit of a struggle to follow even with the captions, I would advise watching it completely first before twisting along, he does a few things that struck me as odd but then later had purpose. I thought I was pretty off target until I attached the muzzle and it locked everything in place.

... and it made me chuckle to imagine Purple as Lumpy Space Princess.

Other posts with Sergey's designs:

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