Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7 - Pumpkin

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

~ The Nightmare Before Christmas

Once again I'm going to keep today's balloon rather simple, as I spent much of my spare time this morning at an assisted living facility making balloons to the delight of some of the residents. This was a fun opportunity, the people were fantastic - oftentimes when I would finish a design it would be greeted with applause before being passed around the room for closer inspection. Hopefully I will be sent a few of the pictures and be able to talk about it in greater detail on here.

This pumpkin is one of Sergey Loginov's designs. I have learned a few pumpkins, but this one always stands out to me - it's got a fun personality.

Sergey is one of the best teachers on YouTube - innovative and such a unique style. Recently he has added subtitles to a lot of his videos, but even without them - he is very clear in his instructions, using a ruler and showing clearly with his special made balloon sizer the size of the bubbles to make. This is very important in some of his designs as some make precise use of the entire balloon with very little wiggle room. In fact, many of those designs do not work with Qualatex balloons and require the reliably longer length of Betallatex.

We're vine with you stalking us, just don't squash

My circumference is 3.14

Two pumpkins, one plumpkin and me...

Other posts with Sergey's designs:

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