Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1 - Bat

"Twinkle Twinkle, little bat,
How I wonder where you're at,
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea tray in the sky."

~ The Mad Hatter

Here is the bat Rob Balchunas taught in Balloon Magic #80.  The bat looks great, and I imagine you could use this face structure to make a lot of other things.

A bit of a confession though, these images were created aaaaaaages ago, and just queued up to be published October 1st - in fact I'm going to do my best to have most of the designs this month themed towards Halloween.

In order to fit with the current way I put together with the web pages, I had to build another bat - it's interesting for me to compare the current build to something I created back then (plus how purple and unscathed Purple is!).  Even though it was only about 5-6 months ago, and I haven't built a bat since then - I can see an obvious difference in my own technique.  The images you see on the light blue background were created back in March(?ish).

I switched up the colors and thought I could get some sort of flying dragon with the same design.  But it looked just like a green bat, so I added claws, and then a body, and then legs -- I probably should have left it a green bat.  But if you squint your eyes, you can see this double-quad base could be a frilled lizard, a Cthulhu or some sort of floppy eared creature.  Even fails can be good learning experiences!

Oh no!  They say he's got to go!
Go go quad-zilla!
I played my part, and you played your game,
I give love, a bat name.

No stranger in the crowd could doubt ‘twas Casey at the bat..

Other posts with Rob's designs:

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