Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10 - Poo Emoji

"If it's yellow, Let it mellow,
If it's brown, Send it down."

There really is no tasteful (ugh! Even that!) way of saying it, so I'll just come out and say it.  Juan Gonzales has been showing us his poo ... emoji's.  I originally tried recreating this from images he had posted, without realizing he was going to release a video.  Now that I have purchased his video, I can say his way of doing it is definitely more efficient and creates a better shaped body.

Outside of smiley faces and hearts, the poo emoji is one of the more used emoji's out there.  It's got eyes and cuteness, but .. it is what it is.   Honestly, if it were just that - I might have never even built it, but Juan has an enviable creativity and took it to the next level.  Since he had some themed for this holiday, I thought I would share.

Also, I so rarely erupt into laughter when reading things, but Juan had me in stitches when someone asked how to made these and he responded with "When's the last time you ate Taco Bell?".

I experimented with building this with the various size balloons, but all the creative use of the design is by Juan.  Thanks for sharing?

I'm a unique corn



Why build 3 sizes?  It's my doody.

You are both so corny ...

Other posts with Juan's designs:

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  1. Big belly laugh to start my day! Thanks to you and Juan!

  2. Didn't realize there was a download. I'll have to check it out, I like designs with strange variations.
