Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25 - Mummy

Look mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky

Did-did-did-did you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did you hear the falling bombs?
Did-did-did-did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?

~ Pink Floyd Goodbye Blue Sky

Okay okay okay okay.


One more Buster Balloon before I try to go on to other things. I couldn't resist attempting to build his mummy. It's so simple, yet it's so amazing.

This speaks to the next level ballooning that Buster does.  Not overly complex, but so stylized and so unique - the kind of balloon art that makes you smack yourself saying "why didn't I think of that!?"  Thinking in the simplest terms a mummy is "angry wrapped in gauze", and that's exactly what he pulls off to great effect.

Taking my mummy to the theater

Heiroglyphics?  I write in cursive.

... now was that 3 lefts and one right? .. or ..

Other posts with Busters's designs:
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