Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12 - Scarecrow

I could wile away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain

~ The Wizard of Oz If I Only Had A Brain

This design originated at with the balloon master himself, Ken Stillman.

Though I am not currently a member, I did build this last year when I was able to recreate it from some pictures. I see Ken Stillman as one of the forerunners in the twisted balloon decor world; super generous, fantastically creative and extremely personable - he's like your favorite uncle. If your uncle was an incredible artist.

The gym I have been going to for the past month has a child care center with a number of inflatable Halloween things set up for the holiday and every time I walked by it I would tell myself I need to build them something. As with most random acts of balloon art, it's very tough to just drop and go without drawing attention. So the next day I was back for a miniaturized one for the front desk.

I really like how the mini scarecrow worked out, I was able to get a nicely rounded pumpkin head and the added patches really add to the effect. While I waited for my trainer to arrive, I was enjoying child reactions, but feeling slightly guilty at the added work I gave the parents to pull them away from the distraction. Ok not really, I was loving it.

This job isn't for everyone,
but hay, it's in my jeans! 

... and I'm out standing in my field!

I was going to suggest we go eat, but he's already stuffed.

Other posts with Ken's designs:

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