Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3 - Dome Head Elephant

“The very things that held you down are gonna carry you up and up and up.”

~ Timothy Mouse, Dumbo

So ... here's an elephant.  Shall we call it the Elephant in the Room?

I have rewritten today's post more times than I care to admit, but it would feel too weird to start posting again without at least acknowledging why the art world went dark yesterday.  

It is a terrible human flaw that it sometimes takes a great tragedy for people to effect positive change.  It's our responsibility now to effect that change - for George, for Ahmaud, for Tamir, for Alton - for countless others  I guess what I'm asking is what is the step after "go dark"?  

----  Here is the original post:

Again I'm playing around with what is the obvious thing to do with such a head shape (Geo Dome 2 by Balloon Brothers), and attach a big ol' snout.

I made the first in blue and thought it would be novel to use geos for ears.  This was after a few different styles, good but not great.

Having a greater variety of colors would be great, especially for these unique shaped balloons where you can't really cheat, but necessity is the mother of invention because there was one white faced elephant I could think of.

It's not a perfect Dumbo but there's something there ... 

(view other elephant)

Other balloons by and inspired by the Balloon Brothers:

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