Monday, July 10, 2017

July 10 - Superman Super Dude

The whole point of Superman, as originally created, was to be the ally of those who had no other allies. It put that magnitude of power, the most powerful guy in the world, in the service of those who had no hope, no chance.

~ J. Michael Straczynski

Superman is the next of Bauldy's Super Dudes (link).

This Superman is one that Bauldy shows us where it doesn't use a printed round.  I don't even think there is one, but it's probably one of the more commonly asked for superheroes, so he shows how he would build it.

These balloons are designed to be quick line work, so I tried to spend a little more time on the face and hair.  I made two and attempted to get that little curly strand of hair built from a balloon, but finally gave up and drew it on with the second attempt.

Other Super Dudes:

All Bauldy's

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