Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11 - Batman Super Dude


Batman is the fourth and final of the tutorials from Bauldy's Super Dudes (link).

This one included an interesting technique to create the head.  My first attempt at it (pictures were blurry, not included) I made the head a little bit small and it looked really weird.  Next I made the gigantic face below on the left and it prompted the observation that it looks okay to err on the side of a large head, but the same is not true about a small head.  I went a little off grid on the final head.

Since this is another available printed round, I thought I would see what it looked like - I don't have a flesh colored sharpie, which would have helped some but it's inverted colors anyways.  White printed on black has a big problem - the paint cracks off if the latex stretches too much.  →

Other Super Dudes:

All Bauldy's

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