Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August 10 - Octopus

"It swam crossways in the direction of the Nautilus with great speed, watching us with its enormous staring green eyes. Its eight arms, or rather feet, fixed to its head, that have given the name of cephalopod to these animals, were twice as long as its body, and were twisted like the furies' hair."
~ Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

I was told if you learn one thing from a convention, class, DVD, tutorial - then it was worth your time. David Lima made my convention worth about 5!  David taught four classes at Bling Bling Jam, and since he's originally from Brazil - it's only fitting to say that they were worth Olympic gold.

David is a brilliant innovator/balloon artist, like a visiting scientist showing his latest discoveries. ...  However his first class was scheduled for 9 PM on the first night, in Las Vegas ... there weren't too many people there with me, but a few of us were rapt with attention. I might have let out a spontaneous "Whoa!" a couple times. That first class was introduction to a couple of the concepts that we used in the next classes. So they each suffered a bit for time as people had to catch up. (I'm not judging - it's Vegas, baby!)

I was already somewhat familiar with the Lima Twist from the webinar where the name was selected for him, but despite the name, you shouldn't think of this as a "twist" from the classical sense of balloon twisting. I'm a tad ashamed of the old "saliva method" for getting my fingers out of deep tulip twists.  Gross!  This is a concept that goes further than that, it opens up new twisting possibilities and great attachments. It's like a new genre of music, it's not one skill to add to your arsenal, it's a way to enhance all the skills in your arsenal. I find I am using these techniques all the time nowdays.

David won a Qualatex color contest with his incredible Octopus design, which he taught in his second class.  We were split into groups of 8 to make legs. I actually had to skip the very end for a dinner reservation with relatives, so I'm not sure how it all came together. I had made my leg and was helping others, but that's as far as I got... I used some online pictures and guessed. The head shape is a bit elongated, I'd like to try something different next time.

Thanks David!

I'd like to be, under the sea ...

Oh, my aching tentacles!
Something from tide pool, and someone who likes Deadpool. (Both purple!)
You ink, I oink.

Other posts with David's designs:

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  1. Great work from a very talented and NICE guy! Thanks to both of you for the smiles!!!

  2. Fantastic! Is he the one that taught the class in which you learned to make the crab? The crab is still alive but only about 1/4 the original size.

    1. The crab was Nao Osaka's design. I should try to remake it soon while I can still remember some things!

  3. Dig that Lima Twist twist... and The Deadpool dude is superrrr cool too!
