Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 - Nemo

Crush: Curl away, my son! Aw, it's awesome Jelly Man. Lil' dudes are just eggs, leave 'em on the beach to hatch and koo koo kachoo, they find their way back to the big ol' blue.
Marlin: All by themselves?
Crush: Ch-yah!
Marlin: But, but, dude, how do you know when they're ready?
Crush: Well, you never really know, but when they know, you'll know, ya know?

Dan Staples published this design on YouTube right around the time the Finding Dory movie released.  He is a fantastic instructor, master of Bear Head-fu and going to be one of the teachers at Kapital Kidvention next January, so between meeting he and Mr. Lyle -- I'm really hoping to attend!

School started last week for my youngest, but today is the first day of public high school for my older son.

I know that doesn't seem significant at first glance, but to put it in some perspective - his 9th grade class had eight graduates.  He is going to a school that has over 2500 enrolled.  We wandered around to his classes last week and met his teachers, he seems ready to move on to something bigger like this -- it was me who was having mild panic attacks navigating the mass of people.

See - I'd like to think I'm Crush.  "Whoa, kill the motor, dude. Let us see what Squirt does flying solo.."  But I'm more of a Marlin.  I'm not saying that's bad, Marlin would take on the ocean to find his son - take on a shark?  I'd take on three!

Curl away, my son!

Have fun at school, but remember - don't touch the butt ... 
Dad!  Meet my new friends from school! 
"Ohhhhhhhhh Subtitute teaching sea pigs are cool,
Mr. Ray is home sick and this doesn't rhyyyme."

Other posts with Dan's designs:

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