Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 28 - Pugs

He sold his soul for a shot at fame,
Catchphrase and wigs and the jokes are lame,
He's got no style, he's got no grace,
He's banal and facile, he's a fat waste of space
See his pug-nosed face... Pug, pug, pug, pug.

~ David Bowie Chubby Little Loser (CLICK!)

There are a few YouTube balloon artists that I credit with really sparking my imagination of what could be done with balloons.  Mr. Boma is definitely one of those.  His videos go beyond simple shapes that people are used to - I think this pug is a perfect example of that.  This face is unlike any I've seen or made, yet it's simple and perfect for a pug.

The inspiration for making this pug, on the other hand, is my good friend/author/designer/game master, Rafael.  Rafael is the glue that binds our foolhardy band of adventurers together and has an incredible talent and passion for creating suspenseful terror and excitement in our gaming sessions.  I'm not fresh off the turnip truck when it comes to RPGing, I've laughed in the face of evil and lived to roll again.  I've never feared more for my soul, or died with such noble sacrifice than when gaming with Rafael.   *salute*   Don't just take my word for it, read some of his book reviews! (Or better yet - read the books!)

Raphael has a pet torpedo in the shape of a pug named Gengis that he will unleash after our gaming sessions.  I (feel a bit guilty saying this) have never really liked pugs, all I had previously met were yippy lap dogs wearing outfits.  Gengis has dispelled that.  When he comes shooting in the room and starts bouncing off of us like we're pinball bumpers it's pure doggy joy.

Good night!  Don't let the bad pugs bite!

I don't mean to be a party pooper, so can you let me out? 

I guess that one wasn't silent ...

Other posts with Mr Boma's designs:

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