Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 27 - Brenion Masks

Entry #4:
"Nemo, newcomer of orange and white, you have been called
forth to the top of Mt. Wannahockaloogie to join in the fraternal
bonds of... competition."
"What are we competing for?"
"Whether I need steak or tarter sauce."
“She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.”

~ Shel Silverstein Masks

It's contest time again!

I really love balloon contests.   I don't compete at balloon conventions, and I can't imagine I will. You either have the high-pressure situation of a timed contest, or you have to take away from the time you might have in a class or jamroom in order to work on your entry.  I love these Facebook contests though, where I have the time to figure out what I want to build and submit pictures.

In this current contest we are tasked with creating using the Brenion Mask technique, and it is to highlight their upcoming new balloon videos entitled "Paradables".  Paradables are gigantic balloons that you attach to a harness so you can carry them high in the air, something you might see in a parade ... hence the name.

I have had these mask videos since October last year when I made a Frankie and his Bride in order to walk around the neighborhood with my sons trick-or-treating.  Unfortunately, this was the first year they were old enough to not need nor want me to come along with them.   I didn't put them on and frighten the few smaller kids who came to our house, I left them as decorations on our steps for them to see.  *sigh*  My kids are getting old ... which by transitive property, means .. I am my wife is.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I stand a snowballs chance in Las Vegas of winning this competition.  Some of my balloons heroes are also vying for the prize, and the competition entries are already amazing.  But then, the chance to compete with some of these guys is like racing against Usain Bolt or Katie Ledecky -- what place you come in doesn't matter when you get to race against the best in the world.

I figured I would try to keep with masks inspired by the technique rather than trying to make great copies of what they taught.  The contest ends next Saturday, hopefully I can come up with some creative ideas before then - I've added what I wrote for the contest entry next to the images (and captioned for the first).

Entry #1

Hey hey! I heartily endorse this event and/or product!

WARNING: Use in a well ventilated area. May stain furniture. Prolonged exposure could cause chemical burns.

The Emperor's New Mask

Crafted from the finest balloons in the world, this will appear as clear to those who are uncultured and unfit for their positions. (cropped high as to avoid distraction of the Emperor's New Pants.)

Entry #2

Entry #3

Alas, poor Honeycrisp! I knew him, Horatio, an apple of infinite zest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on this snack a thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is! *chomp!*

(a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters took a thousand years to come up with that quote .... that's bananas.)

Pigs are friends - NOT food.  Why are you looking at me like that?

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