Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26 - Little Pony

Выйду ночью в поле с конем
Ночкой темной тихо пойдем
Мы пойдем с конем по полю вдвоем
Мы пойдем с конем по полю вдвоем

~ Конь (Horse) - (video link)

I've referenced the above video previously, but it inspires me to practice - and my choir begins next week, so I'm listening to this and Ljube's version as I type this.

Justin Reams released instructions for this pony on the Twisters Cookbook website.

One of the things I like about Justin's video is that while building almost every section he starts out with a fresh balloon.  It creates a decent amount of scrap, but oftentimes designs suffer from being overly efficient, and though I understand that it is better to use every scrap of a balloon to save on costs, until you are familiar enough with the design or very meticulous about measurements, you are oftentimes left with too little or too much when you're down to the last little bit.  Adding to that are the varying sizes of balloons - Betallic offering 360s vs. Qualatex's shorter 350s, it can be a mess. It's good to focus on the form first.

Brony's are everywhere. When I brought the black one to the office, my coworker said "oh is this from the episode when she went bad"?  I think I shamed him by saying I was going for the M:TG Nightmare Steed, or one of the horses of the apocalypse from the Red Dead Redemption expansion.  Nerdly in my own way. Not judging, teasing - there's a fine difference.  But I have to remember to ask him which Care Bear is his favorite, and whether or not Strawberry Shortcake is a dessert or berry best friend.

But then ... if he's a Brony, I guess that makes me a Burple.

A dashing pony

Power and toughness equal to the number of swamps you control.

This is a little pony?!?

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